Saturday, July 27, 2013

Time Capsule

I'm so excited for my time capsule! I have been working so hard on it, and it is finally complete!

Here's how to do it:
1. Get a shoe box and decorate it any way you want.
2. Gather the supplies you want to put in it and put them in your time capsule.

Here is what I put:
  • Newspaper
  • Photos of yourself, family, and friends
  • Grocery Store Ad
  • Music CD
  • Technology Ad
  • Shirt that has the year on it
  • Clothing Store Ad
  • Your Bucket List
  • List of your favorites*
  • How you imagine your future*
* I would write these in your own handwriting, so you can remember how your handwriting looked.

3. Write who created it, when it was created, how old you were when you created it, and the date when you want to open it on your time capsule. I'm going to open mine when I have a son/daughter who is sixteen. Then I will ask them if they want to create one for themselves. Hopefully it will become a tradition.

4. Put the time capsule in a place you will forget about it. I'm going to put mine in my closet. I wouldn't recommend putting it anywhere outside because it could ruin it.

This is my time capsule!!!